Medical & Healthcare Marketing
Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) & Direct-to-Professional (DTP) medical and healthcare marketing continues to grow. Marketing directly to consumers and/or healthcare professionals requires customized data that is 100% HIPAA compliant. DirectInnovations designs, implements and deploys data driven healthcare communication initiatives that are HIPAA compliant and adhere to strict Privacy Policy standards, and arrive in the hands of patients with an expressed need for a specific healthcare product or service.
DirectInnovations utilizes best-in-class, database driven, marketing communications to identify patients our clients seek to communicate with, whether by traditional direct mail or through interactive campaigns. By adhering to strict guidelines to insure Privacy Policy & HIPAA compliance we leave nothing to chance.
Whether you need to have access to consumers or healthcare professionals to promote your product or service, DirectInnovations can tailor and deploy a healthcare marketing initiative that will meet or exceed your goals.
For more information please contact Herb Torgersen today.
He can be reached at or 404-402-2825